The aim and objectives of Positive Allies
Positive Allies started as a global declaration which can be signed any organisation (regional, national, or global) which has staff or volunteers. Whether you are self-employed, are a local authority or place of education, an NGO, or you are a large private business, you can now sign our declaration.
Positive Allies have evolved since we first started, based on the feedback of organisations, into a new global declaration for organisations to sign, alongside offering these organisations our popular, and free, HIV and AIDS Awareness training course.
Our aim is to develop places of employment and volunteering into places free of HIV stigma. To do this, we have developed Positive Allies as a declaration for organisations of all sizes, to sign to show their commitment to becoming an HIV-inclusive place to be.
Our objectives are:
To ensure that your organisation becomes a place which tackles HIV as a hidden disability, as outlined in the UK Equality Act (2010).
To provide free initial training to your place of employment or volunteering on HIV Awareness.
To declare your organisation as a place which is actively tackling HIV-related stigma.
To bring together a list of inclusive places to work, volunteer, and thrive.
The development of Positive Allies
How is Positive Allies set up?
Positive Allies is set up as an independent unincorporated organisation, supported by the University of Sunderland.
Our panel is made up of HIV researchers, as well as EDI specialists, people living with HIV, and HIV activists. You can meet our current team by clicking here.
We warmly welcome anyone who would like to become a member of our panel, and we are actively seeking to develop a more diverse panel of people. We meet bi-monthly. If you want to make the world of employment and volunteering more HIV-friendly, please contact us via the contact form on our website.
We signed the declaration!
“Positive Allies allows us to actively demonstrate our support for all. We are an inclusive school for staff and pupils"
Risedale School